Published on Monday, 11 December 2017 at 12:00:00 AM
Media Release
8 December 2017
The SHIRE OF LAVERTON has excelled in the 2017 Western Australia’s seventh annual Local Government Children’s Environment and Health Policy Awards receiving a commendation for Aboriginal Child Health.
The Children’s Environment and Health Policy Awards are presented annually by the Public Health Advocacy Institute of WA, showcasing local government’s progress in creating environments that protect and support the health of children.
Laverton’s Youth Centre programs received a commendation in the Aboriginal Child Health category. One of the most popular ongoing, activities, is going ‘out bush’, led by elders and community members with skills and knowledge of bush plants and animals shared with the wider community.
Dr Melissa Stoneham, Director of The Public Health Advocacy Institute said, “Local councils are important, as the name suggests – they are local. They care about local communities and people. Children are an important part of any community, and they are our future. We are so excited to be acknowledging the Councils in WA who have developed policies and provide programs, services and information that are relevant and valued by children and young people.”
The Awards, an initiative of the Public Health Advocacy Institute of WA with support from Healthway, the WA Local Government Association (WALGA), the Commissioner for Children and Young People WA (CCYP) and The Cancer Council WA were presented by the Vice President of WALGA Mayor Tracey Roberts and Commissioner for Children and Young People Colin Pettit.
25 Local Governments showcased innovative projects, programs and policies across 14 categories prioritising the health and wellbeing of children. Categories included Environments Promoting Physical Activity, Road and Active Transport Safety, Early Literacy and Climate Change.

For further information contact:
Dr Melissa Stoneham – 0421 113 580 Ros Natalotto – 0412010304
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